Wednesday 29 April 2020

How I stay happy in lockdown.

I dont like to share my thoughts to the whole world but I might as well...

So I stay happy because i play video games. With my best friend online. We play Fortnite and Minecraft with a couple of other friends. It takes away the world and your thoughts. You have to concentrate in Fortnite when you are fighting other players, playing Fortnite can make your heart race like an adrenaline rush. that's how i stay happy and exited while in lock down.

Wednesday 22 April 2020

want a laugh? just read my jokes!

I thought my granddad bought a very expensive wig
but then I realised... it was a small price toupee.

A ham sandwich walks into a bar and asks for a beer.
"the barman says " sorry we dont serve food here".

There are two muffins baking in a oven.
one muffin says to the other "phew" is it getting hot in here or i it just me?".
The other "muffin says AAAAHHHHHH a talking muffin!".

I hope you all got a laugh from my bad jokes.

by Seamus.